Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Eustachian is a small tube that connects the middle ears to the throat. (The middle ear is the part of the ear medial to the eardrum). Eustachian balances air pressure. Furthermore, it helps drain fluid from the ears.
When it becomes blocked, this is called ETD. It is always closed except when you swallow, yawn, or chew. (1. 2)
When Eustachian becomes blocked, this is called ETD.
Symptoms of ETD:
Symptoms of Eustachian tube dysfunction may include:
- Feeling like your ears are “blocked”
- Tinnitus: also known as ringing in the ear
- Popping sounds
- Loss of balance
- Fullness in the ears
- Ticklish feelings in the ears
- Pain (2. 3)
What are the types of ETD?
There are various types, including:
Patulous ETD:
Eustachian tubes stay open, which can cause sound to transit from the nasal cavity to the ears and distort the voice.
Obstructive ETD:
The eustachian tube does not open as it should. Correspondingly, fluid collects and causes pressure and ear pain.
Baro-challenge-induced ETD:
It occurs when the eustachian tube does not open correctly. (1)
There are various types of ETD, including Patulous ETD, Obstructive ETD, and Baro-challenge-induced ETD.
Causes of ETD:
Allergies are the most common cause of ETD. These conditions may cause the dysfunction of the eustachian tube to become blocked. People with sinus infections are more likely to grow blocked eustachian tubes.
Altitude changes lead to problems with the ears, such as:
- Traveling through mountains
- Flying on a plane
- Hiking
- Riding an elevator
Allergies are the most common cause of ETD. These conditions may cause the dysfunction of the eustachian tube to become blocked.
Risk Factors:
Risk factors of Eustachian tube dysfunction may include:
- cleft palate.
- Obesity
- Smoking
- adenoid hypertrophy.
- allergic rhinitis.
- chronic rhinosinusitis.
- neoplasm of the nasopharynx or infratemporal fossa.
- Eustachian tube trauma.
- Eustachian tube infection. (4)
Complications of ETD:
ETD can cause complications:
Middle ear atelectasis
It is a retraction of the eardrum.
Middle Ear infection
Otitis media is when there is constant fluid in the ear.
Uncommon skin growth in the middle ear
All of these dysfunctions can lead to hearing loss. (3)
Can I prevent ETD?
You can not control or prevent ETD. But, there are ways to help you to lower the risk. For example:
- Put earplugs before flying to lower the risk of airplane ears.
- Drink plenty of water (5)
Treatment of ETD:
There is no treatment for ETD. But if the symptoms are severe, you should talk to your physician. The severity of the infection determines the treatment.
The doctor may resort to surgery if the case is severe, including:
- Tympanostomy tubes
- Balloon dilation of the eustachian tube
- Adenoidectomy
- Potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP)
In addition, there are home remedies, including:
There is no treatment for ETD. But if the symptoms are severe, you should talk to your physician. The severity of the infection determines the treatment.
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